Intro to Astro.js

Mon Oct 30

Rocket your blog with Astro 🚀

Written by:

The word community with a heart.

Introduction to Astro.js

Astro.js is a modern web framework that aims to make building fast, efficient websites easier than ever. It combines the best aspects of static site generation with the dynamic capabilities of traditional server-rendered applications. In this post, we’ll provide a brief introduction to Astro.js and get you started with your first Astro.js project.

Getting Started with Astro.js

To get started with Astro.js, you’ll need to install it first. Use npm or yarn to install Astro globally:

npm install -g create-astro

Once installed, create a new Astro.js project:

create-astro my-astro-project
cd my-astro-project
npm install
npm run dev

Now you have a basic Astro.js project up and running. You can start building your website using Astro.js’s component-based approach and enjoy the benefits of a lightning-fast website.

Stay tuned for more in-depth tutorials on Astro.js!

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